ane copy paste dr link: This problem may occur because the Maximum memory option is selected incorrectly. To fix this, follow these steps: 1. Click Start button, 2. type msconfig in the "Search programs and files" box, and then click msconfig in the P
ane copy paste dr link: This problem may occur because the Maximum memory option is selected incorrectly. To fix this, follow these steps: 1. Click Start button, 2. type msconfig in the "Search programs and files" box, and then click msconfig in the P
gini gan ane punya notebook axio pico ram standard bawaan laptop 1gb nah kemaren ane beli yang 2gb kok pas ane cek di my computer ram memang 2gb tapi usable cma 1gb sisanya ke mana ya tapi pas ane cek d cc cleaaner waktu mau bersih bersih d sana d tulis 2gb ram ane cek d task manager juga beda ad...
masuk sini gan , master PC semua Bengkel Komputer Kaskus :ilovekaskuss makasih gan saya coba cek dulu
TS nya lagi ga di indo ya :D ane di hong kong rata2 download max pernah 10mb/s :D kurang lebih seperti ini ane di puerto rico brazil gan
wah asoy banget ini mah, hahaha.. agan kerja di sampoerna strategic square ya? hahahaha ente kenal gan :shakehand