TERROR SUICIDAL http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/06/07/4102776_20140607093952.jpg TERROR SUICIDAL Formed in November 2011. With the original concept as a Post-Hardcore band. The first formation are Cho (Scream/Clean), Candra (Guitar), Hudoko (Guitar), Huda (Drum), Dino (Synth), Fadli (Bass). We
Lagi ngomongin musik ni share ah :ngakak :1thumbup TERROR SUICIDAL http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/06/07/4102776_20140607093500.jpg TERROR SUICIDAL Formed in November 2011. With the original concept as a Post-Hardcore band. The first formation are Cho (Scream/Clean), Candra (Guitar), Hudoko (Gui
luffy emang konyol gan, gile bhttp://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/06/07/4102776_20140607092211.jpgener tingkahnya :ngakak