yeah.. lets learn.. and tonight is fustal jon :D I'm here in KasKus.. I have no Power.. I have no Authority.. But I have Principle & Anarchy, I will be an Anarchist to strike the Fuck*ng Life. #idiotnesia I AM CAPTAIN ANARCHY R.I.P irruzzz May 15th 2010 - February 22nd 2012 #Tribute to irru...
I also like the last part.. the great word :thumbup I'm here in KasKus.. I have no Power.. I have no Authority.. But I have Principle & Anarchy, I will be an Anarchist to strike the Fuck*ng Life. #idiotnesia I AM CAPTAIN ANARCHY R.I.P irruzzz May 15th 2010 - February 22nd 2012 #Tribute to i...
1. it is just a pitcure.. do you look it? it is beautiful. "the silent of the night" .. do you want another pitcure with the same genre? :D 2. and second :D :D :D I dunno this rule.. maybe I must look for.. look for and look for :D I'm here in KasKus.. I have no Power.. I have no ...
my previous post was not flamming om.. it was just a farewell.. about irruzzz... hmmm he really has Principle & Anarchy I'm here in KasKus.. I have no Power.. I have no Authority.. But I have Principle & Anarchy, I will be an Anarchist to strike the Fuck*ng Life. #idiotnesia I AM CAPTAIN AN...
I don't care :p.. the most important thing is futsal tonight :D I'm here in KasKus.. I have no Power.. I have no Authority.. But I have Principle & Anarchy, I will be an Anarchist to strike the Fuck*ng Life. #idiotnesia I AM CAPTAIN ANARCHY R.I.P irruzzz May 15th 2010 - February 22nd ...
don't be a lazy man :cool work! work! work! please speak in batak language :D yes, you can go to bfa thread then you'll know that mimotz is really really gay psycho :D
hy om, when will you come back to bpp? You'll never understand love , love understands you I'm just an admin at ship expedition office in Klandasan
You'll never understand love , love understands you dd? don't call me like a child.. just call my name, bro irruzzz (tribute to irruzzz) ... and you graduated high school on 07? yes, I'm working.. please follow my twitter :)
You'll never understand love , love understands you call me "mas" :cool ... how do you know the year of my birth? cos I & mimotz have the same age? Tribute To irruzzz :D :shakehand2