\n\nu ra totally wrong man ... \nhow do i know then \nim study overseas bro and if ur english doesnt meet the requirment do yo think you will go for work \nOMG for a billy's shake \nu must study proper english in order to get a work here \nif not how to make a rep...
\n\nthe police \nand actually the law itself \nb coz dutch law is a never ending story with much of lack in everywhere \nactually i prefer common law .. they will stated everything clearly \nand its easy to be understood .\nthe dont have any multiple and destructive la...
\n\nthat's the main problem in indonesia they re deserve to break the rules not to do the rules coz they thing that they re the most person which have to go to their destination first \nam i rite bro !!!\nif we can classified their it will be like the last group in piramid sy...
\n\n\nU meant like limitation but if u wanna ask people to use the public transport \nGoverment must care about the security and everything as u know that \nMany such of crime happen and goverment services wew is not a good idea \n\nCorrect me if I'm wrong then
\n\nyeah you're rite about the high temperature in jakarta \nbut in my opinion cycling line is not a good idea instead bro \n1st thing it will cut down the main road and as i know it will make jakarta more jam . \nthen 2 thing it will put more effort to the traffic office...
program gw wew berubah2 seh \ntergantung ma instructur nya \nminggu lalu \ntreadmill nya 20 menit incline 11 speed 8 then sit up 60 and foot lift 60 , push up ( the hardest part ) padahal gw ga bisa push up anjir \ntrus latihan bisep 20 rep 5 set and trisep 20 rep also 5 set \...
martell vsop . martell cordon blue and last vodka greygoose damn nice if u mix it up with orange and cranberry juice