Minta tolong paper lagi ya Gan.. Judul: A genetic agent-based negotiation system Jurnal: Computer Networks Volume 37, Issue 2, October 2001, Pages 195–204 Author: Samuel P.M. Choi, Jiming Liu, Sheung-Ping Chan
Kemaren saya kirim ini, tp mungkin kelewat Gan. Minta tolong ya Agan2...Makasih Agan-Agan minta bantuannya untuk mendunlut jurnal berikut: Judul: Dialogues for Negotiation: Agent Varieties and Dialogue Sequences Jurnal: Intelligent Agents VIII Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 2
Agan-Agan minta bantuannya untuk mendunlut jurnal berikut: Judul: Dialogues for Negotiation: Agent Varieties and Dialogue Sequences Jurnal: Intelligent Agents VIII Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 2333, 2002, pp 405-421 Author: Fariba Sadri, Francesca Toni, Paolo Torroni http:
Agan-agan mohon bantuannya ya buat dunlut monograph berikut. 1. Judul : Cooperative Time Window Generation for Cargo Delivery/Pick up with Application to Container Author: P. Ioannou A. Chassiakos H. Jula G. Valencia Publisher: : METRANS Transportation Center,
Maaf agan2...mohon dibantu ya...spertinya kelewatan nih request-an ane... :berdukas makasih sebelumnya atas bantuan agan2 semua...! :)
Agan2..mohon untuk mendownloadkan paper berikut ya: 1. Judul: Container terminal gate appointment system optimization Penulis: Changqian Guan and*Rongfang (Rachel) Liu Jurnal: Maritime Economics & Logistics*11, 378-398 (December 2009) doi:10.1057/mel.2009.13