Dicari General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) Programmer http://www.gams.com/ Secara coding GAMS hampir mirip dengan MATLAB, script based Scope of Work : Membatu pengolahan data dasar untuk pemodelan analisis/simulasi kebijakan dengan metode computable general equilibrium(CGE) m
Klo ane lagi donlot QPES patch gan, udah coba yang version 1, review dari ane: - stats pemain lebih update - graphic menu lebih mantab - ga perlu hapus patch pesedit http://www.qpes.org/pes-2013-patch.html Konami last update DLC 2.00 PSD stats (players stats from www.pesstatsdatabase.com) All tr...
PESEdit.com 2013 Patch 1.0 - Released! #20/09/12 Features: Added Arminia Bielefeld & BATE Borisov Full Bundesliga & 2. Bundesliga Correct kits for all Premier League & Liga ZON Sagres teams + Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Netherlands, South Korea, Uruguay Corrected names for fake players in unlice...
A new JUNOS booklet is available and it is the first in a series. It is called Day One: Exploring the JUNOS CLI and is meant to give the reader everything he/she needs to get started understanding and using the JUNOS CLI.\n\nYou can find this Day One booklet here: ww.juniper.net/dayone ...
\nBro gw baca dari link lo aja "Junos Olive Limitations and Supported features"\n\nada kta2 olive di situ...\n\nklo di real nya gw lom coba... harusnya Support..
malam juragan\nplease join to\nhxxp://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/id_juniper/\n\nmungkin TS bisa taro link nya di top
juragan2 gmana klo kita buat tempat nongkrong baru\nmisalnya milis juniper-indonesia???\n\ngmana tanggepanya??
juragan2 gmana klo kita buat tempat nongkrong baru\nmisalnya milis juniper-indonesia???\n\ngmana tanggepanya??
\n\nGan daftarnya kemana ya???\nklo untuk reserve dlu bsa gak? untuk antisipasi klo2 pas uda mepet ternyata dana kepake... :D