monggo pm nomer wa agan, nanti saya hubungi Pmnya penuh gan. Invite ane yak D1064599 Mau nyari ruby daerah jateng diy seken nih
saya cek di nanopool kok punya saya account not found ya? trus keterangannya begini Remember: to add your account to the database you should find at least one share
Whats the purpose of bela negara from the viewpoint of our gov? Is it have much more on plus side than negative side? Its just a new discourse that i think too fast if it will already happen, i think the gov must prepare it well before govern it. To prevent the money scatter a k a mouse politic o...
aku yo tau kemalingan helm ng parkiran kampus padahal helm'e mung helm standar mungkin helem ku kuwi dadi tumbal sebelahku le kemalingan tapi aneh'e, diganti helem bosok, le cemantel ng spion montor ku pas kuwi, wis sore, parkiran sepi ngamuk, helem'e tak banting. asuw, diganti helm bosok ya
wahh, wah.. pucuk di'cinta ..mangsa'pun tiba. Begini cara'nya potokopi sim, ktp, kk.. :D dan duid 2jt, lalu di'serah'in ke gw, :genit se'cepat'nya gw bikin'in login pasw