lahh... bru dpet list nya... wk..padahal udah ada tuh yg nge-post.. sorry agan2..! ini gan.... lah sbgian dah di test ma ane sendiri...and so far.. Lancar jaya smua.. tentunya dengan Settingan yg di sesuaikan..!! in VGA INtel HD graphic 3000 Proc Intel core i3! :2thumbup :2thumbup :thumbup :thu... Beat em up taun 2010-2011 yg Top2 bsa kgk? wk thx sblumnya gan... :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig
Gan...mau nanya bisa gk maen games ini.. Fallout new vegas Sengoku Basara 2 (yg leyasunya jadi kya petinju itu) Bioshock and FPS lainnya..! di Laptop Acer ASPIRE 4752 ane ini..?? Spek: Processor : Intel Core i3-2330M VGA : Intel HD Graphic 3000 RAM : 2GB DDR3 HDD : 500 GB! and minta Link bwt down...
Yeaahh.......... maen dynasty warrior 6 Work 100%!!! :ngacir2 :ngacir2 :thumbup Mulus... VGAnya Intel HD 3000 settingannya All High! Shaders Medium Texture Low..! di Jamin! mulus! hahahaha
Kalau maen Fallout 2 sma Fallout new Vegas kira2 bisa gk yah? Processor : Intel Core i3-2330M VGA : Intel HD Graphic 3000 RAM : 2GB DDR3 HDD : 500 GB! :games :games :games :2thumbup Mohon bantuannya...! :ngakak
Wuuaa...!! thx yah........ Brarti skarang ane cuma Nambah RAM nya..!sip2 deh..! skrang lgi maen COD: Black OPS pke Modded Confignya sih.. Setting Mid : Lancar sip! thx gan! :2thumbup :2thumbup :2thumbup
Gann.... perlu bantuan nih... Ada gk Games Mid/High-rate Genrenya Action/adventure and Beat 'em up yg kira2 bisa di mainin di Laptop Acer ASPIRE 4752 ini Speks nya...!!! Processor : Intel Core i3-2330M VGA : Intel HD Graphic 3000 RAM : 2GB DDR3 HDD : 500 GB! and 1 lgi gan...:Yb:Yb:Yb biar ma...
om atau mas!!!"" ane mau nanya.. games Mid sma High-rate yg bisa di mainin di Laptop ACER ASPIRE 4752 ane apa? ini Speks nya Processor : Intel Core i3-2330M VGA : Intel HD Graphics 3000 RAM : 2GB DDR3 Memory HDD : 500 GB OS : Win 7 Ultimate ....and kira2 Biar maennya Mulus and lbih Comf...