Permisi.. Numpang iklan jg. Master room at Savanna condominium Bukit Jalil (fully furnished) for rent * 1 person stay = RM 785, 2 people stay = RM 800 (Queen size bed) Fully furnished apartment with many facilities such as: - GYM - Swimming pool - Basketball,badminton and tennis court - Small park
Room for rent at Savanna Condo Bukit Jalil, Master room. Dket sama LRT Bukit Jalil n LRT Sri Petaling. Fully Furnished! Harga: RM 785 / month Info lebih lanjut pm aja gan ato whatsapp ke +60166690321
inpo yang kayak ginian nih yg mantep.. sebelomnya ane cuma mikir itu cuma tanda recycle nga perna nyadar kalo angka di tengah ada artinya.. Mantep gan. Thanks infonya
Anjrit kaga hoax kan ni? Mantep banget!! Gw mau jg bisa kek gtu! Kira" perlu latihan brp lama yah tuk bisa kek gtu.. Hmm.. Anyways, nice post and keep posting gan :D
Bro d laptop gw pk windows vista ultimate, pas gw double click kan dia emang ada blang \n\n"This program will now reset the DMA status of all ATA drives with windows drivers. Windows will redetect the status after the next boot, therefore this procedure should be harmless."\...
Bro mau tanya pas g install smua script pk greasemonkey koq kasi g error kayak pic d bawah ya?\n\n\n\nBisa tolong bantu?\n\nThanks.
\n \n\n Install\n\n\nBri uda nga bisa d pake ya buat download google books nya? Maren" gw masi bisa download, tp skrg koq nga bisa lagi yah.