agan agan.. saya pakai telkomflash yg halo "unlimited" 8gb, dipakai untuk game online doang karena internet browsing shared ga bisa diandalkan buat gaming.. udah 4 bulan pakai flash semua aman terkendali, koneksi stabil, jarang rto.. nyaman deh pokoknya.. tapi 1 bulan terakhir ini sekar...
Akhirnya selesai download AC3, mantaaaaaaap fpsnya :1thumbup In process downloading Hitman Absolution.. beralih dari laptop jadul 128MB VGA ke GTX660M 2Gb, berasa langit bumi.. guys yg gamer jg skadar informasi ada rilisan driver VGA baru dari NVidia, silahkan dicoba kalau mau, keknya emang khusu...
11.5.. setelah ubah HDD jadi yg hybrid. Padahal dibanding dengan asus spek yg sama bedanya bisa 3-4 jtan, kirain MSI bakal agak lebih ada yg pakai.
numpang posting aja gan, laporan. Saya pengguna GE60 0ND, yg tipe i5. Baru pakai sejak September, so far so good. Berharap awet aja :thumbup kok keknya dikit yah pengguna yg tipe GE.
saya sarankan MSI gan. MSI GE60 0NC atau GE60 0ND. Saya pakai yang 0ND, dengan ubah HDD ke Hybrid. Kena 11 jt. Kalau ambil 0NC pasti dapat lah kisaran 10an. Spec GE60 0ND, Intel Core i5-3210M, NVidia GTX660M (2GB DDR5), RAM 8GB, 750GB HDD. Kalau yang 0NC dia GT650M sama 2 GB DDR5 juga. Kalau bol...
gw jg baru beli nih laptop, di PEMMZ, upgrade HDD hybrid sama arctic cooler TC. Mantap bener deh!! Spec sama harganya cocok banget gans~:toast
bro2, saya mau beli A43SM abis dibanding2 emang rasanya paling pas harga vs speknya. Di Jakarta kira-kira dimana yah belinya yang okenya, di Mangdu gimana? biar bisa sekalian pas saya ada urusan nanti kalau ke Jakarta. trims.
\n\nOf course I understand the meaning. I just said it's easily misunderstood, and I think it is far better to avoid such cases and write things that aren't demanding much grammatical scrutiny.\n\nAnd yeah, the use of "we", "our", "I", "...
by using "until", you indicate that the processes ceased to be by the time specified which is not necessarily the case in present perfects. =)\n\nand I think the mars revise may need to have a second look, I'm too lazy to point out specifically. But this part especially gav...
present perfect doesn't need to have the action already ended at the present time.\n\nyou can say, "the store has opened since 1458", it's present perfect, but it doesn't mean that the store has closed now.
\n\nThis is my quick revise, or rewrite, I guess.\n\nWe are temporarily not accepting any new orders until production is back to normal. Normal operation will be resumed as soon as our annual maintenance process is complete. Orders can still be placed, but will not be processed un...
\n\nIt's a hard time for everyone. Don't give up.\n\nOne of the best way to learn English is by reading. Read a lot of foreign articles, hopefully, it will help you to get the "feeling" of English.\n\nWhen you know something is wrong by "feeling&qu...
grammar is overrated :)\n\nlisten to this lol (no worries, just sound, so only small load time) I urges everyone to listen :p\n\n\n\nif one can understand that, well.. guess his english is ok :p if one can actually 'feel'...
Dear all Qers,\n\nHope everyone have the time to actually sit down and read this document thoroughly.\n\nNew Policy for the Q. \nWith the new chief in charge, there will be some changes, and new systems implemented.\n\nFirst, there will be a training period for new rec...
\n\nwell, the 'translating process' will still exist for some rarer words. \n\nTry thinking in English, if you can do it properly, I believe you can speak it with no problem.
I somehow have inkling against 'formulizing' grammar, putting them on the same ground with mathematical equations. S+V1+O, or the likes. I don't know it just seems wrong. But then again, I guess its good for easier learning and understanding :-/