TOEFL Test is not too difficult if you only take the Paper Based TOEFL There are three types of TOEFL Test : - Paper Based TOEFL (PBT) - Computer Based TOEFL (CBT) - Internet Based TOEFL (IBT) All of this test is organized by ETS The most difficult test is Internet Based TOEFL (IBT) because it ...
Thanks ambrosiana :shakehand2 No no no.. barney is not gay. That's why I think it's amazing (and an irony) that Neil Pat is gay. He played his role so well. Yeah, the fact that Neil Pat, who roled as barney, is a gay makes me sick :takut But I really like the character of Barney that ...
I got level 5 :malu You are ready to start an Upper-Intermediate English course = Level 5 Two levels to go if i want to take IELTS
Ane pengen ngunjungin yang nomor satu gan... foto no sepuluh asyik gan... apalagi klo kacanya hancur.... :ngakak
Ane ga setuju gan Yang Gadget no tujuh yaitu Blackberry playbook, kayaknya sama sekali ga populer gan... Di indonesia sangat-sangat jarang ada yg punya gadget ini... Apalagi RIM aja merugi karena produk ini ga laku