sorry gan, ane perbaiki lg.. maklum udah lama ane gak posting d sini :Yb 1) judul : Direct active and reactive power control of DFIG for wind energy generation Authors : Lie Xu Electr. Eng. & Comput. Sci., Queen's Univ., Belfast Cartwright, P. link nya :
nih ane perbaiki gan.. 1) judul : Direct active and reactive power control of DFIG for wind energy generation Authors : Lie Xu Electr. Eng. & Comput. Sci., Queen's Univ., Belfast Cartwright, P. link nya :
Gan, ane boleh minta tolong donlotin jurnal ieee.. judul : Direct active and reactive power control of DFIG for wind energy generation Authors : Lie Xu Electr. Eng. & Comput. Sci., Queen's Univ., Belfast Cartwright, P. link nya :
Hallo semua...\n\nI'm Back..!!!\n\nNama : Fahmi\nFakultas : Teknik\nJurusan : Teknik Elektro\nStambuk : 2003