gan, kondisi oppo ane skr no OS ni, recovery uda pake yg dr agan, stock rom uda di SD card, tp tiap kali install stock rom kok installation failed terus ya gan. Duh uda mumet ane. Ada solusi kah ? edit : all problem solve gan. masalah ada di SD cardnya cacad. lol
gan, ini mac address dan ip address nya unavailable, tau solusinya ? ato ada rekomendasi OS lain yg lebih enteng ?
#share #los15.1 #fixbug #r7fonly Unofficial lineage 15.1 oreo 8.1 new build untuk r7f only. Fix double tab to wake.. Langsung hijrah nih. gan, ini abis update ke 15.1 dan 8.1, kok malah ga bs on wifi dan oppo ane jd lag banget ya ?
Coba baca review di playstore gan. Banyak bad review dari yg dah masuk. Ane sendiri dah 2x gagal. Buang kuota 2 giga. Akhirnya uninstalled. Ane di appstore gan. Di app store agak curang ini developer 1, review jelek kayaknya ga di post. Ane review dr pagi jg ga ada 1 pun yg nongol di appstore. D
Server nya kacau. Mau launching game besar tp ga mampu nampung player banyak. Mau patch aja gagal terus (ios). Uda coba dr jam 9 pagi sampe skr masi gagal
TS, kalau mau buka rek saham harus datang ke kantor cabang ipot atau ada contact salesnya yang bisa dihubungin ?
Guru agama ente otaknya ketutup pasir kali gan. Hahaha. Pelajarin dulu komunis itu sejarahnya gmn, jgn cm denger sepihak2. Bukan berarti ane komunis ya, cm ane bukan orang yang suka nge judge aja, bukan Tuhan kok maen judge aja.
no tpbm what is your breakfast today? Fried chicken + rice Tpbm is a nigga? Nope, i'm a canadian. Lol TPBM is f*cking himself right now
Yesterday morning When was the last time you cried? A : when I lose big money on soccer betting. Lol Q : when was the last time you get laid ?
I'll do my best to do good things to people Wwydi you see a ghost? i'll ask some numbers to him/her for betting... Wwydi you eat pork? I will enjoy eating it Wwyd if you find your gf/bf is cheating on you ?