paingan? it seems that you're taking college in sanata dharma :o is that right? - wow that's too far to do nglaju :o - i have been in college since 2010, and you?
where is your boarding house? jogja? so you take a college in jogja? i have some friends who come from klaten too, but they always nglaju everyday :malu:
Ha ha ha :D This is my first time after i had some break since last year :o Welcome home, me :p I've just visited the site, and IMHO, there are too much bla bla bla not as simple as 9gag :D wow klaten :D not too far from jogja yap :D - i am doing some tasks from college :D it's kinda...
just like another 9gag, uh? i think, i'll try that ones.. yap, i'm from jogja :) and you, where do you come from?
Hi, thanks, Yuki :) Unfortunately i don't have any topics, I'm waiting for someone who wants to throw a fresh topic here :o anybody?
hahaha you can call me YUNO :D does it sound good? :p How's yours? :Paws: :ngakak are you 9gagers too?