buset roman kalah mulu dapet tittle shot :hammer Roman kan anak emasnya big boss. Putra Mahkota untuk posisi John Cena. Cuma seperti yang Dave Meltzer bilang di podcastnya, jadi kaku aja kesannya karena statusnya sebagai anak emas itu, jadi Roman ga akan turn jadi heel apapun yang terjadi. Dia haru
oh jadi kalau cerita kita ada mengandung unsur BB mendingan adegannya diskip aja ya, dan biar pembaca jadi lebih antusias dan berimajinasi tanpa melanggar peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku di sini ya
Ngabsen dulu dimari :cool: Makin sepi aja nih lonje, jangan-jangan pada jadi sr #sama dong :shutup: Aturan mengenai BB --> http://www.kaskus.co.id/show_post/000000000000000196021551/4/- Cerita bagus emang harus banyak BBnya kah? Biar enak n ga banyak aturan bikinnya di forum sebelah aja
Selamat siang, Saya ada ide cerita yang kemungkinan besar akan mulai saya tulis di bulan Desember di Stories from the Heart. Namun, ide cerita saya ini sepertinya akan bertema dan penuh dengan adegan BB-18+ yang mengenai hubungan pria-wanita yang sangat intim dan sangat liberal mungkin. Apakah
Hey guys do you think there should be a thread or even a subforum within the Stories From the Heart forum designated as a place to submit stories in English? Maybe a request or something should be made. Anyways, what are you guys doing on saturday night?
Halo selamat malam semua. Apakah di forum Stories ini boleh kita masukkan cerit dalam bahasa Inggris?
yesterday i told my crush that i love her, but she only like me as a close friend. :malus She gave me attention to me more that her friends because she thinks im special, and now she feel bad about it. She wants us to be bestfriend (wtf?). What should i do guys? Congratulations my friend, you h
Hey guys. Do you guys have any experience with TESOL or a similar qualification to be an English teacher? I tried to conduct my own rresearch about this certificate but i couldnt find anything meaningful about this. So if you guys are in the know with regards to this, please let me know. Thanks
Satu lagi hal yang sangat berbeda di dunia kerja di banding dunia kuliah. Yaitu adalah tali persahabatan. Kalau teman2 kuliah itu banyak sekali yang bisa diajak bersahabat di luar kelas bukan hanya di kelas saja. Selain itu, persahabatan yang terbina di kampus itu dapat tetap berjalan jauh setela...
quite BWK, eh maybe just my slow Internet :think: -- H+4 Well, the traffic I believe is crowded out there. . Glad, I'm not there trapped somewhere and can enjoy myself at home :malus any news everyone ? :iloveindonesias Too bad at the moment I am also under "house arrest". I don't
http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/08/02/3716647_20140802070200.jpg Jangan lupa Leopold Butters Stotch. Pada awal2nya dia ini cuma background character yang munculnya hanya sekelibet pas bis sekolah karakter2 utama lewat melintas. Tapi akhirnya jadi "breakout" character yang cukup terkenal
Well, I introduce you, my new virtue GF :ngakaks Alison Brie :selamat :ngakak -- Good Day everyone :beer: Got a plan for today activity ? :D Fadel, its so amazing that you have so many beautiful girlfriends :P and also its stated that you have "spectacular aura about", is it becau
Well, most of Indonesians doesn't give a damn about it, so yeah pile of garbage in a river doesn't surprise us whereas a clean river does surprise us. U know, we will never truly know how to appreciate something until we lost it forever. :D I think it truly says something when something that is
Based on the result of the recent hotly contested Presidential elections, i think it is safe to assume that people really are dying (not literally and let's hope it doesnt change) to make a break from the authoritarian past (ie. centralised power in governance). However, it's not that simple to pi
Hi everyone! It's been to long since the last time i set foot in this forum. There have been numerous changes that occured from that time until now, most notably we now more or less know who will be leading this country for the next 5 years as well as this year's fasting month has come and gone. Ho
The way I see it, you play the games, not the consoles. So you figure out what games you want to play now and then see if they are PS3 or PS4 games. If it turns out that they are mostly PS3 games, you buy PS3. If it turns out they're mostly PS4, you buy PS4. If both sides are equal, buy PS3 firs
Awwww :malu: so much loves, making me jelly :( :( Hey Fadel, nice avatar once again.. Who is that? Yet another one of your many exotic girlfriends? ;)
Interesting, Waiting for your fiction writing , I am a fan of fiction - fantasy genre of writing. What kind of Fiction are you writing anyway? At the moment I ma trying to write something big in the Fantasy Genre. Haven't been writing a lot at the moment as I am very busy researching facts as