kuk gambarnya mahluk halus.. jangan-jangan ______:ngacir: iya, saya emang halus perasaannya :o hasyuuuuu gara² sering mati lampu donlotan 6gb korupt :mad: gepuki ta PLN'e :army:
Dibayar pecel seporsi sama es jeruk kak :( selama lo ga bayar makanan/minuman gua, ga usah sok ngatur2 apa yang gua konsumsi :p
alo kk :toast keknya dah mau rubuh ni lounge tinggal beberapa page lagi :D kira2 siapa ya top junkernya :cystg bisa dicek di sini http://www.kaskus.co.id/misc/whoposted/510b99e1611243be31000007/lounge-room-555-february-2013-cemunguddhh-eeaaa
on face your girlfriends,but you must ask her. for do that i don't think so ... and i hope not :ck: nice idea what if i didn't ask her first.. i'll just do it when she's sleeping surprise bukkake !!
masalahe lambe kompor iku :nohope: bolone ferhatabas paling :hammer: pean selama nang jember iki gabung JCI kene gak mas? JCI jember mana negg :army: :ngakak ada masalah den rahasia :p
hahaha like talking about babes but never have a taste of it. .. arguing with no action indeed arguing on the internet is like someone whatching video porn on internet, and he is "cinin" in front of computer. it's weird guys :ck thanks you for loving kaskus, and i hope you can lovin
mungkin kalo ada pelatihan atau liburan:D nanti saya menjujug ke rambi:kisss posisi?:beer: posisi lagi duduk2 aja http://i.imgur.com/r5G5OCL.jpg