\n\nIMO.. your reply sounds kinda "cheap" when you show them that you're damn happy to be called for interview. IMO, don't show too much of a feeling in a "formal" letter like this. Be business-like.
\n\n*wa pindahin ya.. berhubung dah ada tempat proper. :p*\n\nlho.. loe kan emang paling deket ama si lao shi. :D :p hahahaha!\nbiasanya gw tau dpt exemption apa aja pas bidding. hehehe.. yawda later u'll know pas bidding ya.
\n\nwell it took you long enough to realize.. *pdhl uda drop hints dimana2 :p*\ndan berarti loe mengakui donk klo gw emang baby-faced. :D
\n\ntanya missyellow donk, cum.. hehe.. :D *semuanya jadi missyellow yg urus :p*\n\n\n\nhaha! ya +1 lor. :p\nloe bakal ngapain aja mpe tgl 17, dep? masi lama kan..
iya nie kyknya klo term dah mulai, thread ini bakal sepi. *krik.. krik.. krik..*\n\n\n*class part +1*
\n\nHoo.. prospective student! :D\n\nGaris besar prosedur apply, etc uda gw jabarin di thread loe yg "bawa apa ke sg" what.. Get A Level result on either end feb or early march, apply online, pay application fee, send supporting documents ke SMU then tinggal harap2 cemas...
\n\nDok, golden gw uda gw kasi Combantrin dan di pupnya emang ada cacing mati. Skrg dia uda baekan. :D Dah jadi lincah lagi. ^^\nDia biasa dikasi apel kok dan makanan biasanya ga pernah ganti2. Cuma tiba2 dimuntahin jadi aneh. Emang kyknya gara2 cacing ya. Ntar saya tambahin suplemen ...
pak dokter mo nanya donk..\n\nanjing gw golden retriever betina, berat 25kg. selama 3 bulan terakhir dia uda muntah 3 kali. pernah muntah air sekali. trus muntahin apel dengan cairan putih. terakhir kali dia muntahin dinnernya keesokan pagi dan tampaknya blon dicerna sama sekali, trus ada...
\n\nHi there, I'd be honest with you that your essay is not a job well done. There are plenty grammatical errors here and there plus issues with expressions and diction as well.\n\nIf you can't see what is wrong with your grammar above, I suggest you revise the basics on...
\n\nOk, 1 hour to finish that essay is a commendable effort. :) I know it can be difficult to churn out specific examples under time pressure and there isn't much that can be discussed in 1 hour. >.< All the best for your next module yea. :)
\n\nOh chey, you've already passed the class. So is this an essay for one of your university's modules or ... ? Ok, I may sound harsh, please bear with me.\n\nBased on the strength of your arguments, I would say that you can improve by providing more factual evidence to ...
\n\n\nHi there, may I know whether the "essay" above is intended for academic writing or otherwise? Purpose of writing does influence the kind of words and expressions that you can use in an essay. If it's meant to be persuasive, I would say that you have not done a goo...