pasti percaya sih sama sir ian mckellen,cuma ane rasa sih bagian paling penting kalo kita nonton apapun tentang sherlock holmes pasti ceritanya. liat sherlock tv series,penulisannya oke jadi booming banget ngalahin versi movie yang notabene dimainin sama robert downey jr,secara dia kan people's c...
wah ada juga nih yang nangkep sherlock bisa jadi satu universe sama james bond,hahahah. Semoga ntar ketemu ya,lebih seru lagi kalo ketemu the doctor sih. Siapa tau aja ya kan creator nya sama heheh. dan iya juga ya CAM = Charles Augustus Magnussen,ane gak merhatiin banget di episode itu.
holy crap,is it really?? anyway,glad to have you here. i was hoping that you'll persuade one of indonesian actress to join your force at your own website,but then again i was just hoping. it's still very nice that you'll consider that in mind :beer: