Fact... Do you know the size of my underwear? Fact or Rumor? fact, S female size u didnt wear underwear, rumor or fact
Mungkin harus pakai Simpati tipe Groovy. Lihat gambar di bawah ini, ada tulisan 1.8GB Rp 15rb utk 3 bulan (berlaku 24 jam). Jadi utk 1 bulan dapat 600MB Rp 5rb :iloveindonesias http://s.kaskus.id/images/2014/05/04/89580_20140504092035.jpg perdananya brapaan itu? gak yakin gw 3rebu :nohope:
kadang ane cuma pake krupuk loh beli krupuk, trus goreng, nah di colek pake sambel kacang super pedes enak nih cemilan, cobain deh :ngakak
Just share, ane setelah pake CFW mix with Cobra 7..so far belum ada keinginan untuk balik ke Non Cobra.. Chart PS3 Game Compatibility Testing ampe mentok di Rogero 4.50 karena all the game work.. Official Rogero CFW 4.50 multiMAN 04.20.04+ PS3 Game Compatibility Testing Chart. -==-+-==- 30/1