FOR WINXP AND VISTA AmpliTube Fender® The Official Fender® Software Amp & Fx Suite Whats new in AmpliTube Fender® In the development of AmpliTube Fender®, IK Multimedia has taken an unprecedented approach to once again raise the bar in modeling accuracy in order to nail down even the fines...
ayo bro patukmasukin semua...... heehheh numpang sedot bro.. punya protool m-powerd 8 blm bro ? .....thanks bro
Bro magesy pa kabar....uda punya ? mau dong kalau ada Independence 2 The "next level of software sampler workstations" including a premium 70GB sound library. The audio engine of Independence 2 was completely redesigned and improved. With the new "multi core support" you can n...