1. Daerah Darling Harbour Chinta Ria, Malaysian, termasuk yang paling enak buat Malaysian food di sini, mungkin sekitar 5 menitan jalan. /www.chintaria.com/sydney-malaysian-restaurant/ Lindt Cafe, buat ngopi2 - http://www.lindt.com.au/swf/eng/cafe/ Ada juga Hurricane's, banyak banget orang Indo ya
agan agan sekalian mohon bantuannya saya mau ke sydney jumat ini saya nginap di hotel four points sussex street, mau tanya tempat makan yang recommended n enak dekat daerah sekitar sini yang tidak jauh di tempuh dengan berjalan kaki dimana ya? dan kalo mau makan kepiting di sydney enaknya dimana ya
ada satu kamar kosong di southbank. harga Aud 1100 including all bills per calendar month. harga sekitar 256/week. gak ada minimum stay, gak ada contract.cowok, cewek ok. room available end november or beginning early december. kalo berminat sms ke 0449858686. fully furnished tinggal angkat kopor...
Living room available at southbank for 500/month including all bills. sms or call to 0425171786 if interested
One room available at two bedroom apartments at 38 Kavanagh Street Southbank. 12 Minutes walk to flinders street Station, 5 minutes walk to Tram no.1, Bus stop 216,219,220 (to footscray) in front of the street. (just Google 38 Kavanagh Street, southbank 3006 to see the exact location) Price 1000...
Hi, we have large living room at southbank blvd to be rented. we design the living room nicely and there is a closure as well so you can make your own private working space. sharing with one working Indonesian couple and 2 professional worker Indonesian boy. close to flinder street station, bus s...