I found another spectre forum in debate club... don't save the link though and it's iso free but it's more harsh because its on debate club I don't get what's new in the film... so just skip the movie ... btw hello there...
oh, plisss... just don't want anyone to became a member of BSH... there is an official forum for spectre
salam kenal gan... ane hobi catur tapi masih cupu... ajarin donk mbah2 sepuh... klo mau maen, di mana alamatnya
Don't you know spectre??? it's a very fun thread for football flamer. the conversation is quite harsh but actually it really funny if you read through the threads. especially the picture.
spectre is actually very fun. just don't ovethink about it. all of that is just kind of extreme jokes wkwkwkk. I'm a barca fans too, nice to meet you
well, u can't depend on google for everything. the translator is hopeless doods. but at least both didikempot n michael jackson are singer afterall LOL
My fav team is barcelona. Barca plays the possesion football which is very interesting to watch. Xavi and Iniesta is such a massive power in the midfield... 10 out of 13 trophies in the last 3 year is a very great achievement though.... wkwkwkwk. don't you have any fav player in MU... howev...
My fav is Isshin Kurosaki ... he has enormous power ..... unfortunately his inteligent is so bad .... in DOTA it's like Sentinel Strength type ... Sentinel n scourge will be changed to radiant and dire soon enough. btw nice to meet another DOTA lover
halo gan, ane newbie nih... ane mau nanya soal desain struktur yg berhubungan tentang material nih gan... 1. jd critanya gw lagi nulis skripsi tentang geopolimer, tp materialnya itu baru... ada yang bisa kasi pencerahan buat bikin mix design buat geopolimer ga??? 2. klo ngetes mortar itu hasil yg...
Hi, I'm a newbie here. Please help me correct my sentences if I had make a mistake. Btw let's start the conversation about football... What is your favourite european fooyball club???
gan gw maw nanya nih... maksudnya nunggu si cewe ngasi sinyal itu gmn sih... maksudnya sinyal2 cewe ngerespon itu gmn ya ??? soalnya cewe yg gw deketin tuh supel bgt... smua cowo dia balesin smua...