The biggest Joke of the century!!!! Jangan percaya, karena memang tidak bisa dipercaya. Aware aja, bahwa consolidating particles of the human body is a long time, yet stupid failure of human imagination. Belum lagi , soul and spirit consolidation. Ingat Human being consists of body, soul and spir...
Haha....Agree with you.... Sebagai Balasan, sopan santunnya ,memang betul mesti cium Michelle Obama :D
see what i mean...:D forget the indonesian slang...It's not Fun... u'll get troubles. It's not funny to be lynched in tropical paradise...:D:D
LOl.. Awesome ... click this link :|id|awesome Fuck yeah .... (cant mention it here...moderator wont allow it...:D) but if u want it badly ....just say : "*Forbidden* lo" :D what else ? send PM if u wanna know more...coz some words may not be suitable a...
Hi, I just joined in this forum again. It was 5 years ago when I was kaskuser I left. Too bad I couldnt access it overseas. Now with new spirit and some additional rumors and infos from friends here, here i come again.