agan-agan mw minta tolong lagi 1. Judul : Distance perception of food and the effect of food quantity on feeding behavior of Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck) (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) Penulis : Thomas S. Klingera & John M. Lawrencea Publisher : Taylor & Francis Group Link http://www.tand
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minta tolong gan ga nyampe aksesnya no 1 title : Effect of metal ions on the catalytic activity of amino acid acylase isolated from alpha-amylase complex author : M.L.M Das, A.S. Rani, S. Satyanarayana Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis Volume 113, 1998, Pages 911–914 link :
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Agan yang baik hati. Rekues lagi ya 1. Tittle : Interaction of oxaliplatin, cisplatin, and carboplatin with hemoglobin and the resulting release of a heme group. Author : Mandal R, Kalke R, Li XF. Jurnal : Chem Res Toxicol. 2004 Oct;17(10):1391-7. link :