X-mas is coming and the goose is getting hot.. \n\nBALLISTIC BATTLEGROUNDS INDONESIA has a diorama competition.. \n\nthis time with a theme... \n' All About X-Mas! ' :beer:\n\nlast diorama Competition entry: (for example pusposes only)\n\n\nTheme:...
-Jakarta-\nBALLISTIC BATTLEGROUNDS INDONESIA\nSimprug Gallery Unit C\nJl.Teuku Nyak Arif No.10\nKebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12220\nTelp: 62-21-72800262\n\n-Surabaya-\nBALLISTIC BATTLEGROUNDS INDONESIA\nManyar kertoarjo VI/44\nTelp: 081-803-411-497\n...
gue rasa diorama is all about creativity and the story you want to tell :)\n\nbtw:\ndi Ballistic ada lomba diorama.. if anyones interested.. :)