For number 1, they're synonyms. Yes, they basically mean the same thing. They're used in different contexts, but how you decide which word to use in which context requires practice. No one can give you a list of contexts where you have to use one or the other because it would be too long. Also,
umm bro/sis/ser/madam,pardon if i asking many time,,.how about the legal copy wright if i send the translation.,.,are there some legal step or impact from the true publisher or the real writer if that translation script go publiser in indonesia without the permision from the real??are you ever se
Ini Wii U yg masuk Indo nantinya kira-kira mesin region mana ya gan?*Misal yg masuk versi US kan enak, bisa impor game tanpa perlu cemas.
Kayaknya ane ragu gan Wii U nantinya bisa ngalahin powernya PS4 atau Xbox 720. Padahal katanya Nintendo mau merebut pangsa pasar gamer mainstream yg selama ini main di PS3 dan Xbox 360. Tapi ane tetep ngiler lihat kontrolernya sih, keren banget kalau ada konsol ini di ruang tengah ane kayaknya.