Maaf agan2 semua ane newbie disini :) Akhirnya ada juga thread Musou Orochi 2 neh, ane ga sabar pengen mainin...
:ngakak :ngakak :ngakak SUMPAH gan polisinya ngakak!!! :ngakak wakakakakakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig Polisi idaman para pelajar tuh!! hahaha...
I'm going to restore the beauty of our country by growing plants and restore "the green views" in our country. Moreover, I will do some charity in order to exterminate sufferings, and I will definitely cut off any corruptor who stands in my way! I love Indonesia, especially when al...
Learn both, but focus on your vocab library. Enhancing your vocab library could ease you in learning grammar, and learning grammar can make you decide which is the correct meaning for a word which has more than one meaning. Owning an enhanced vocab library can enrich your english linguistic abili...
wkwkwkwk syukurlah kalau ini emang beneran kang sule, kan udah Verified Account. saya tinggal nunggu cilok sama cimolnya dong kang teraktir... wkwk#ngarep
Bahasa Indonesia is the mothertongue of every human in Indonesia. therefore we MUST teach it to our childrens. But, since the wave of globalization is currently streaming all over the world, our childrens have to master English too, in order to adapt themselves in the current societies. I advice...