Ane jg hasil ditikung sama yg skrg jd suami ane gan. Tapi ga dalam waktu singkat kita langsung nikah. Kita pacaran dulu 2,5 tahun. Secara materi dan pendidikanpun 'dulu' suami ane ga lebih baik dr mantan ane. Tp suami ane nunjukin bgt keseriusan dan usahanya buat dapetin ane. Bukan skedar itu, sb...
Artikel yang bagus gan. Ane jg sempet kepikiran untuk ngontrak aja trus d tempat yang deket kantor, tp maunya sambil beli rumah cicilan murah jg di pinggiran kota untuk invest. Hehe gimana jg masih cari aman gan.
Ya tergantung konteksnya lah gan, aneh deh analoginya zzzZ. Keluar dari comfort zone untuk harapan hidup yang lebih baik bukan menikmati yg ada dan merasa cepat puas.
The moment which is bringing me back to my childhood when my friends and I changed a slipper to be boat and 'selokan' be a river
I miss the moment when my brother and I argued mmmh maybe fought about trivial thing, a few minutes later we played together anymore. Now, everything's getting serious and we've not spoken for a long time :'(
I never think english will be important until I get my new job in multinational company. Now, my priority is how to improve my conversation skill than preparing my wedding haha
Yeah because all fish in sea is dead You are so clever Of course, That's why I take toefl test 10 times in year. You look like a super model
15 yo i guess. how old are you when the first time you jerk off? :ngacir: 17 yo, maybe. How old are you when you have sleep paralysis?
"I don't wanna forget the present is a gift And I don't wanna take for granted the time you may have here with me 'Cause Lord only knows another day is not really guaranteed" Like You'll Never See Me Again - Alicia Keys
Sekreatif-kreatifnya tim kreatif juga pasti bakalan mentok kalo dikasih deadline tiap hari gitu. Ya begitu deh jadinya.