Hi! We’re a tech startup building a Music platform for mobile apps. We are now in a very early stage and looking for co-founder to work together with us as CTO who specialized in Android Mobile Developer. if you are a music enthusiast with a strong desire to work in a techstartup environment ple
pagi gan. Mau tanya kalo paket fastnet ane mau di upgrade modemnya pake yang cisco e1000 dari fastnet nya worth it ga? apa mending beli sendiri trus setup sndiri? dirumah gue skrg pake modem motorola dan di konek ke router belkin N tp koneksinya naik turun mulu. kata org firstmedia td gue telfon ...
iya kaya salem bro. ada oOOoOO, creep (bos nya ni), (hot artis katanya), modern witch, //TENSE\\, balam acab, dll. yoi tu org berpengaruh bgt dah dalam pengotakan genre skrg. haha gua krg suka ama genre ini. blom nemu nikmatnya dmn. mungkin ada yg bs bantu buat deskripsiin comfort...
klo witch house/drag/rape gaze msk chillwave ga ni? mnurut gua mreka tuh subgenre nya si lo-fi jd kaya sepupuan ama chillwave cm beda gaya aja. chillwave biasa main di pantai klo witch house mainnya di rumah tua kosong tengah malem sambil ngadain ritual pemujaan. hehe dark+lo-fi+electronic+lil bi...
iya menurut gua valerie tuh masuk synth+electropop jg. soundnya khas bgt ngambil synth sexy era 80an. beatnya jg. lg seneng bgt ama artis valerie si DVAS ni. dengerin ga? hehe udh denger glitter bones sama coolrunnings? kayanya mirip2 d tu ada sugesnya yoi mathemagic masuk chillwave bos. masi t...
SIDE A 1. Top Girls - Rise A short and dreamy number that teeters on the experimental side. It has a real lightness to it with some hints of soul. 2. Teen Daze - Starscream Dream Another new gem from the chillest canadian youll ever hear. This ones inspired a short ride in his car (STARSCREA...
wah maksudnya lagu2 chill? beda bos klo lagu chill ama chillwave. lagu chill maksudnya si bos macam2nya cafe del mar yg bikin ngawang2 mungkin. hehe CMIIW :D klo a flock of seagulls masuknya ke new wave kayanya bos. soundnya beda bgt buat dimasukin ke lo-fi/chillwave. dia lebih mirip depeche mo...
iya russ chimes keren bgt vidklip nya yg trilogi itu! direktornya sama kaya si cinnamon chaser yg luv deluxe pantesan mirip. hehe :D nightdrive with you lagu wajib bgt tu. smua remixnya jg keren2 bgt! hehe wah star slinger br denger yg remix blackbird2. coba browsing yg laen ah klo sftware pc ny...
ada yg tau tutorial buat bikin musik chillwave ga? dr mulai tools, software ampe mixingnya skalian klo bs. hehe elemen2 penting chillwave jg apa aja? klo ada yg tau boleh dong share dimari. pengen belajar ni :D
wow nice info gem! keren2 dah namanya. hehe :D kok jadi sepi nih thread? TS kmana? padahal keren ni genre klo dibahas lebih jauh. banyak bgt band2 yg undiscover diluar sana salah satunya CASA DEL MIRTO ni dr itali. iseng2 browsing tiba2 nyampe ke doi. pertama kali denger+liat vidklipnya langsung...
iya sama bos bingung bgt klo ada pengotakan genre. apalg klo ada yg kimpoi genre jg. hehe iya minggu dpan ni tgl 21 kan y? mantap bgt ni smoga russ chimes jg nyusul d bikin LP. hehe sori jd out of genre gini :P
^^ hola gem! wow nice info bro. br ngerti ni trnyata chillwave tu anaknya si lo-fi jadinya? iya sih emg berasa synth+manipulasi soundnya klo chillwave kaya toro, washed out, dll. klo lo-fi lo-fi lebih berasa mentah+indierock nya. hehe hail to whoever making that sounds revoulition! :beer: iya bgt...
weleh2 br nemu ni thread! gila ni genre lg sering bgt ane puter diplaylist skrg2. pas bgt buat ujan2 gini. artis2 gua pasaran aja tp. neon indian, washed out, ariels pink, best coast, millionyoung, brother tiger, blackbird2, small black, toro y moi, beach house, beach fossils, memory tapes. yg di...
its ur heart that gives me this western feeling! :D Skalian numpang lapak ya gan :D :iloveindonesia:ilovekaskus:iloveindonesia