Chat with native Australian English speaker at the comfort of your home. Click the link and put your name to arrange a timeslot. Ngomong inggris dengan orang Australia live on video. Cuma $2 buat 15 menit. Untuk hari ini dan besok Click the website, register your interest by putting your name and email. We will contact you to arrange the time today or tomorrow. Only $2 for 15 minutes
Teman2, jangan sia2kan kesempatan ini, bisa belajar ngomong bahasa inggris dengan orang Australia live on video chat. Harga $2 untuk 15 menit hanya untuk hari ini dan besok. Kirimkan email kalian, nanti saya kirimkan websitenya.
Anyone interested in learning English conversation on an online livechat with an Australian for 15 minutes for only $2 (around $20000). Send me message because it will be for today and tomorrow only.
We are developing a tutoring program for teenagers where they have a one on one conversation tutorials or in a small group with native English speaker. The program will be delivered through Skype. Tutors are from Australia. Let me know if you or your children are interested.