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PT Indospec Asia is a National company with more than 30 years operational experience in the Inspection and certification business. During this period, Indospec Asia has gone through a wide range of diversification and has met the demands for dynamic changes to achieve the best success rate for its
jakarta urutan ketiga???? lebih tua Surabaya lebih tua kediri :
Agan-agan yang baik hati, mohon bantuannya untuk penelitian.Request Jurnal: 1.Title : Linear Programming Models for the Measurement of Environmental Performance of FirmsConcepts and Empirical Results. Author : Daniel Tyteca JOURNAL OF PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS Volume 8, Number 2, 183-197, DOI: 10.1...
juragan-juragan maw nanya ni, ada yg punya source risk assessment ga?sumbernya berdasar atas apa ya? trims