Ooh, alah ado ruponyo? Tapi rancaknyo ditaruh di pekiwan Da. Haha.. :ngakaks Yes, you are rude. Hahaha.. :D
Whoa, those are pretty good, Face. Hahaha.. You do have talent for that, I'm kind of impressed. Why don't you start working as a photographer? :D And guys, why don't we collect these photos taken from Red Universe and stored them into some kind of gallery or album. Well, what...
@pringas.pringis: Jiahahahah, bisa aja si sepuh post ane di-edit :D Nice. This is kinda like "the flower of friendship". Lol. Even though Macho didn't seem want to cooperate. It'd great if he did plank. Haha.. :D
Halo gan, sekian lama jadi silent reader akhirnya ane memutuskan untuk bikin akun :D Salam kenal, ane yg biasa make ID ILSALVATORE. :D Hello Face! You know we'd never left you out. Come to papa.. :D *My Facebook account is still deactivated as I'm not planning to activate it in the mea...