makasih banyak ya ganm email sudah diterima. mau ngasi cendol sayangnya ane blm iso gan hehe :D semoga selalu diberikan kemudahan dalam segala urusannya ya gan :D
Suka bokeh artinya suka lensa mahal dan ga ada yang murah Kalau mau murah, mau gak mau pilihannya cuma lensa manual iya gan lensa manual aja gan :D
gan ane bbrp hari lalu kan baru beli xt10 dgn lensa kit 16-50mm f3.5. tapi ane suka foto bokeh2 gt, boleh kasi referensi lensa yg cukup murah gak gan, yg udah bokeh.. hehe newbie nih
hi, i just want to know what the mean of word "was" and can you tell me when i using this word? thankyou ** please correct if this sentence is wrong** Did you read page one yet?
Okay guys, lets all together bucking this agony thread. :berbusa: here is my digest: :Peace: The Plastic Brain Wow completely cool thing to know Long time ago, our most vital organ, brain, had been considered as machine; it couldn`t change or grow, all it could do just fell down. But in this recen
My opinion would perhaps there nothing "distance" when a couple could still keep in touch. Trust is the key of anykind relationship ofc, but if you couldn't make it, you don't love ur partner that much.
Money can not fully buy a happines but at least money can reduce your sadness. i.e. ur father get hit by car and to make him recovered from the accident, you need to pick him up to hospital and after you arrived to the hospital, doctor who checked ur dad's condition mentioned that ur dad's is in c
In my opinion money are surely couldn't buy happiness. However, like most people said it could lead to something that'd make us happy indeed. But you know something like achievement, friendship, or even relationship are what make us well-being instead of being rich.
That's where you wrong R u mine? Snap out of it Black treacle Still take you home Only ones who know Banyak bgt deh gan pokoknya :ngakak