gan gw register dari debug center tapi kok tokennya gak dikirim2 ke email gw yak? udah gw coba 2 kali, boleh dibantu?
duh habis searching ttg thread gym, ane tertarik masuk ff ta, kena berapa ya gan-sis skrg? terus biar ga kena tipu sama marketing2 gym which is yg ane baca banyak terjadi di mega gym gt gimana ya? ada saran? hehehe gw baru siang ini join FF TA, yang single club kena 572rb per bulan, mereka gak nipu
Yg di ta sih ada kolam renamg, group exercise, trs ada class2 jg kyk yoga, shbam gitu2 gan. Kmrn bayar pertama 698 ud termasuk prorate, perbulan 572 :single club hahah ane dah kyk marketingnya aja 😂😂 Enaknya di ff orgnya friendly2 hahaha widiii mantap, gw join aaah, thanks yah gan infonya,
Td dpt 698 gan, bayar admin fee sm prorate sm dpt PT 3x1jam trs per bulan 572 single club Ayo coba ajaa nanti gym bareng 😁😁 gw juga mau coba2 FF yang di TA, fasilitasnya apa aja sih gan? bisa single club? per bulan berapa? bayar pertamanya berapa? sorry nih banyak nanya,, hehe,,
gw udah mau nyaris satu taun di GG setiabudi one, gw dapet yang 290an, tapi happy hour, weekday cuma boleh sampe jam 4 sore, kalo weekend lo bebas checkin jam berapa aja, terus lo bawa anduk ndiri, karena lo gak dapet anduk, kalo lo mau yang single club pake anduk dan bisa dateng jam berapa aja ...
Hai agan tp-link, ane mau nanya dong, baru kemarin ane update firmware tp-link ane, wr941nd, setelah update firmware wifi ane malah gak bisa dipake sama sekali, nama wifi kerubah jadi default tapi tetep password protected, pas ane masukin password gak bisa, masuk ke control panel via LAN juga gak...
was zoo open on "red date" (how I spell 'tanggal merah' in english?) ? because, on last thursday, me and my girlfriend went to Kota Tua Jakarta, aaaaaand guess what? all museums were close,, instant boring,, :berdukas
happy monday-after-long-weekend guys,, :ngakak hoaaaamh, long time no post,, it was a very great long-weekend, what about yours guys?
before 2009 mid, Tembalang was like "ghost city", I mean, it's sooo quite, and you often see fog when the night comes, which is cool! at least, for me, it's ideal atmosphere to study,, but after lower-undip was unite with upper-undip, tembalang is sooo crowd with people, "Indom*rt...
Anybody here? still studying for quizes tomorrow.. i mean today. It's past twelve already :linux2: Hello, same here, still finishing my project due to the deadline,, urrgh,,
Wow, you must have javannese accent in your 4 year in semarang, arent you ? :ngakaks More people often said semarang as "Kota Pensiunan" still pretty quite here, still more comfortable than other capital city of province in java, but i think this city won't lose their metropolitan predi...
Really ? why this world is fucking small :ngakaks are you also have graduated this year as same as me ? :hammer: how about become a president and co-president candidate dude ? this will be really funny, you and I :ngakaks rather than you become a golput. ---------------------- Lets have jogging i
Thanks god, i havent taste the real world yet, but it will be soon, become a great person :malus and how about colouring your calender with red paint dude ? :ngakaks Naah, I'd like to have calendar with hot women instead,, :wowcantik
Challenge level : INSAANNEE lol :ngakak i can't do that :malus im talented ? seriously ? i mean , THANKSS BUD :toast and shit to know "everyday is sunday" because on my calender as-is : Monday Monday #2 Monday #3 Monday #4 Friday Saturday Pre-Monday :hammer LOL, I also have that kind
*who's there ?* :D morning .. just stay cool bud you're welcomed here :beer: Haha, thank you,, :beer:
*knock knock* hello, morning everyone, can I join this lounge? I'm new to this forum, and I'm very interested for improving my english writing skill,, I hope I can learn a lot here,, :shakehand2