Sip gan ty bgt, Berhubung ane orangnya penasaran, :D another problem about either, "There are two roads into town, and you can take either. Either will do." either yang ane cetak tebal apa artinya gan? artinya ke-dua jalan tersebut akan sama2 membawa anda sampai ke tujuan. All roa
thank you gan :malus. Kalo pake "altogether" bisa ga? sip gan, "at the same time" jg boleh. tolong gan, ane baca2 website luar tentang olahraga angkat beban tp kurang paham maksutnya. apakah pemahaman tentang paragraf ini sudah benar apa belum ya. aslinya: Remember 1×5 sta
gampang sekali gan, ente tinggal bikin function buat detect IP address visitor yang request page nya (PHP, .NET, etc) . Kaskus sepertinya based on CRM dan hampir semua CRM ada fasilitas buat liat Web statistic (IP address, page views, etc) built in.
klo cuma mau bersihin, pake kain gak berserat direndem air sabun cuci piring doang gan. Klo arcrylic nya lecet2, coba dipoles pake wax mobil.
gan, ane udah maen ni game, mau tanya caranya ngalahin vergil misi 20 gmn yak...??ane udah tebas ampe hp nya abis kok malah full lg...??gitu trus berulang2...ane capek gan...udah 3 jam bwt ngalahin vergil doank...pegel ni tangan...mnta bantuannya donk para master DmC Begitu si Vergil nya lagi resto
sumpah, ane gak ngerti. Mungkin gini kali For the same domain, (article writing?) will be done once a week/submission to keep it look natural SEO wise. In that case, you can say "Just how much did you spend monthly if you were not to use our services?" 'luar negri' nya dman...
Just how much did you spend to... $70/Mo is a very expensive price if you were to have that little submission and article fee not included Do you know you can actually pay $10/submission w/article fee included? Terms and conditions: - Web/blog has to be at least 1 mo old - If ordering more than ...
Write in english and translate to the Indonesian please, and I will give you +10 cendol i need this for the task tommorow, please help me, thanks heh, Didn't anyone read the rules before posting question :think: :think:
TOEFL has a pattern that once you mastered, picking up the right options will be easy. I would say 5-6 days would be enough to get familiar with this pattern and polish your writing and listening skill. That been said, good luck
\n\nyo~ \n\nhm okay i see, jadi nanti 2 minggu lagi klo kamu maju interview lagi, ajak aja bokap/nyokap nya fiancee kamu yang usc ikut interview, lengkapin lagi dokumen2 kamu ; esp round trip ticket, jadwal kuliah kamu semester depan, sama surat pengantar dari company kamu, seharu...
\n\nhi crystallined, jadi ceritanya kamu mau attend wedding nya kembaran tunangan kamu di LA? trus tunangan kamu itu US citizen kah dan apakah dia skarang ada di indo atau di us?\nklo tunangan kamu us citizen dan ada di indo, minta dia temenin kamu interview, ini sangat membantu karen...
di sini malem masih dingin (around 60s) sampe akhir july, thx god.. klo panas enaknya cold beer haha \n\n\n\n\nnaik metro ya? pake trip planner aja dari web nya \n\n\natau klo mau naik blue bus, liat aja route nya disini http://www.big...
\n\n\n \nyou really have the sense of humour, i'm really laughing my ass off :D :D hehe i wonder what the girl's reaction would be? hehehe