when people knows me for the first time they will know me as an introvert person also :ngakaks but not at all, not even close :hammer: I'm cheerful in my daily life :ngakaks but sometime I need my space just to stay alone in my room, listening to some music and playing games :p you have trouble get
Saw 1 the best lah twisted abis :p makin lama makin gajelas :hammer: asli ini film thriller berkualitas menurut ane, saw I yah :ngakaks jarang2 dapet ending yang wah kek film ini :o
haha nope well actually at first, it's not about awkwardness it's about your confidence :p I started to speak english as my second language in my college life, and they rarely use it in my office, although I love to talk with foreign clients and speak english for daily conversation. and now I jus...
Thanks for the thread TS..i just stopped english course in E* and i hope kaskus will help me to be better at english :ilovekaskus eh? why did you stop to learn from EF course? :eek:
i dont believe you didnt find it on the internet (google) try to use different keyword :o or maybe just look the e-book that contains that kind of topic.
hi guys :genit: how are you today? :eek: @above yesss spanish is sexy :genit: couldn't agree more :ngakaks