berhasil jalan tanpa chainfire3d lho!!!!!........ kok layarnya ke gedhe an....... Cek spek xplay....... Baru sadar kalau reso xplay 480x854. Sedang neng mia cuma 480x800, pantesan ke gedhe'an padahal seneng banget main lets golf the series ini 1+
for SUT 1.8.2 you can at link link below..* good news is you can use SUT 1.7.4 for flashing RC1 rom
i already install skype on my phone and i believe that skype is a newest version , to make video chat with that? thank in advance
That is why I hate about about full version of FPse you can it at a link b Just try that link..i'd tried few websites like romhustle but all download link are dead already ..all saved files on 7z
begiitu ulasan saya saat ini. Jamaaaah semoga berkenan salam tusbolmania :mahos:mahos:mahos I took all a pictures from you to present on lowyat forum..I feel sorry because I never ask permission first to do that..if you mad..please forgive me..sorry again
Thanks a lot for a tutorial's really helpings for a beginner likes me ..sadly in my country I can't accessed megaupload site...
Use market can get it in Android market for free in one condition your device must rooted first before running that can choose fake market T-Mobile from US or something else..
assalamuaikum... i just want to ask...anybodies around here already tried p splintel cell from gameloft on mia ..facing a black screen at the background...if the answer is you guys know how to solve of fix that ...thanks for advance
scouce: ... just wanna to share to all of you, guys
Terima kasih..for your a information..I had no notice about it just save my own one..thank again kawan
Mine also used 2g network and turn off sync to save a battery's can hold almost a day because i always turn on my wifi a day end my battery always left beetween 40 to 30 percent ...then I need to recharge at midnight i left on charging until I woke up in a next day
Thanks alot for info..but scary to do it because I don't any knowledge on it..I had read in another forum about it..sandly I couldn't understand it very well.. hahahaha funny one..I only have 16hd 256 mp3 songs also few full movies inside
You're right..I already installed it into mymi4 just for make preparation the way I used 16gb micro SD card class 10..I put alot inside it now only 1gb left.. update info gan.. axioo vigo sudah ready, ane liat di mall ambasador yang di lantai 3 deket lift. ada demo unit-nya malah, cuma...