gan minta translate dong - Badan Kepegawaian , pendidikan dan Pelatihan Provinsi Jawa Tengah - kepala badan - sub bidang mutasi - sub bidang pensiun :cendolb
i love this song :genit: this song inspiring me to learn portugese it also makes me dance , ai se eu te pego ai ai se eu te pegia
yesterday ? was that tuesday ? I hate the tuesday :p i've already finished my lunch \:D/ thank Zeus for food when others are hungry in africa
i'm just a little man masbro , low educated, When i talk i feel like nobody listens to me, no one ever listens or care what i say, not even my parents! everyone just ignores what i wanna say and moves on so resurrecting sounds EPIC word to me :o
Kosong - Dewa 19 :mewek sounds classic rite ? but i love this one because it's touching song for me the lyric, instrument and the song writter (achmad dhani) it's mixed became a great song ever in indonesia in the other hand i love blink's songs either , just like "i miss you&...
i'm a smoker but i agree with u masbro smoking in the public place is bad habit , even it's annoying for some people i've never smoked in public place , i usually smoke in my own room :army:
yeah maybe i'll teach them 5-10 words each week .. that's enough for children, skill in speaking is not the hallmark of well educated people .. with BAHASA we still can be a BIG NATION :)
i would rather teach my kid "how to play a soccer" than i should teach they an english because they still can learn it when they grow up :p
actually i don't hate them , i just a fan of another genre .. the korean musics are not bad just quite bored in the parts :p
Welcome to EF, rude... Don't worry, it seems I'm ruder than you... :mahos :mahos There... There... Since you mentioned my name, I show up to say Hi to all handsome people in EFor Lounge... :mahos :mahos Seven is our member with such great English fluency, Rude... You can learn much fr...