ohh.. device wifinya toh.. hidup kok sis.. tapi tetep ga mau.. ntah dimananya yang salah.. masih aja tulisannya "The hosted network couldn't be started. A device attached to the system is not functioning" :bingung
kalo uda bener semua kok muncul tulisan 'The hosted network couldn't be started. A device attached to the system is not functioning' ya? :bingung wifi yg sis mksd connect ke internet seperti biasa atau begimana ya?
sis.. saya uda ngikutin langkah dari awal sampai akhir tapi kok bermasalah ya di nomor 3-nya? katanya 'The hosted network couldn't be started. A device attached to the system is not functioning' uda di-share, home networking connectionnya : Wireless Network Connection 2 dan uda di...