hello gan, mohon izin buat jawab :D kalo menurut kamus Cambridge, 'the latter' mempunyai arti 'the second of two people, things or groups previously mentioned'. Lawan dari kata ini yaitu 'the former'. "He said that the police had instructed FPI to carry out a peaceful demonstration when the
Hi guys, do u know the meaning of word "latter" in this sentence: "He said that the police had instructed FPI to carry out a peaceful demonstration when the latter reported its plan to the authorities." I've search the translation & the meaning is "yg terakhir" bu
1. Nama : Febri Vernando 2. Email : febri.nainggolan@gmail.com 3. No hp : 081380708005 4. Link jualan : dsini gan
Gan, bisa minta daftar harga semua merknya soalnya yg di pejwan cuma daftar harga Black Master aja. email ke febri.nainggolan@gmail.com. thanks