ntah knp kalo menurut gw sih perlu gan, bukan cuma masalah mau perang atau gimana, harapan lainnnya biar kita sbg WNI punya mental dan displinnya terlatih dan ada bekal walaupun sedikit apabila ada gangguan dari hal2 yg ga terduga gan. *IMHO* :malus
dulu ane pernah hampir kelempar gan gegara ada polisi tidur ga keliatan :mads :batas alhamdulillah ga kenapa2 dah :capedes
Pagi.... :sun: belum ada yg baru2 lagi yak? :D event jg msh jauh "kayanya" :malus ==================Update==================== area baru gan :D masih unknown :bingungs area utk lord/lady sih :o watch and learn dulu aja deh :malus
@seetaan2 tah pake physical trap bener tuh gan kaya rez blg :thumbup strongest physical + base *kalo perlu tambahin charm power* yg lw punya sama lokasi di lab pake RB Cheese :shakehand
http://i.imgur.com/Czm0IJS.png gw tambah lagi dah image-nya _____________:ngacir: btw GG TQ DARTO :kisss
apa itu kakak kelon?? kelon itu yg biasanya kalo masuk angin dipake dibadan bis :betty 11:56 pm - Twisted Garden I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 12 oz. Barkshell Mouse worth 16,525 points and 950 gold. The mouse also dropped the following loot: 1 Graveblos
busyet...... :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak ada yg korslet disebelah :D gan... agan malang betul nasibmu :berdukas beraninya jg pake ID klonengan :najiss 11:13 pm - Twisted Garden I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Thorn Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
tinggal hiji deui~ :ngacir: Ultimate Charm :linux2: abis itu balik puroma ah setok moni :shakehand :kiss :kiss :kiss =========================Update========================== tambahan Team's Logo, Beberapa Turni LG, Tribal & Lycan plus tambahan orang dalam tim skrng 12ppl (Max) * harus nyelesa...
6:10 am - Twisted Garden I received 3 Ber Essence, 10 Dewthief Petals, 2 Duskshade Petals, 3 Grubling Chow Charms, 2 Clarity Charms, 2 Safeguard Charms, 2 Yellow Double Sponge Charms, 218,000 Gold, 140,000 Points, 5 Amplifier Charms, 9 Warpath Archer Charms, 8 Vanilla Beans, 3 Master Belt Shards, 2
Oit... Gw udah invite lu Di-dustin dong om :malu :malu Lootnya kayanya biasa aja sih Soalnya ga ada Lunaria petal atw Plumepearl Herb Cuma for the sake of "been there, done that" aja :sorry yaah keburu join sama orang za :( tar lain kali aku padamu deh :kisss ini jg msh iseng buat tes
3:39 p:ngacir:m - Sand Dunes I claimed a gift of 1 Stale SUPER|brie+ from Lia Ndut. syudah lama ga posting :kiss numpang liwat ya gan :ngacir: ada treasure hunt baru ya :bingungs loots-nya menarik ga ya :D
3:30 pm - Calamity Carl's Cozy Cruise I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 6 oz. Glitchpaw Mouse worth 1,200 points and 1,200 gold. The mouse also dropped the following loot: 1 Nitropop Potion and 1 Snakebite Potion wogh.... ada glitchpaw :matabelo mayanlah :D
this is how i end the cruise in style :cool http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/259/98368c6d3dbb45e48537e15.png
4:57 pm - Lost City Your donation has been processed. SUPER|brie+ has been added to your inventory. Thanks for your support and happy hunting! gretongan gan \ :D / cuma perlu nge-vote utk si paymentwall pake twitter, rebes :recsel http://i.imgur.com/9N7FxIb.png
sekarang uda ada Log lagi ya :D http://i.imgur.com/55K8Nfd.png 5:00 pm - Living Garden I went on a hunt with Kristian Sugianto where I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 10 oz. Thistle Mouse worth 9,050 points and 1,150 gold. The mouse also dropped the following loot: 1 Aleth Essence
0wh. ,sip SS-s0al charm-nya gann.. ane baru tau ada.. Itu SS dari mana MHwiKi buKan.. haha.. :) di wiki juga ada, tapi terlalu ribet gan, ga usah cape2 ke wiki :) klik aja INVENTORY - TRAPS - CHARMS :) coba aja gan di obok2 sendiri fitur2nya :D 9:21 am - Jungle of Dread I sounded the Hunter's Ho
0wh. ,gitu br tau ane.. Itu khusus Freshness charm d0anK y yg gitu ? jd musti failure catch m0use br kepake charmny gitu ? hahah.. :bingungs perasaan kalau maKe charm laen biasa aj gann.. ya beda2 tiap charm gan, liat aja di keterangannya "Consumed Upon" http://i.imm.io/TJdJ.png 11:32