REQUEST : Ganti JUDUL Post Thread : Judul lama : CLASH OF CLANS BOT | AUTO Raid/Train + Keep Active Straight 6 hrs Judul baru : COC BOT | Clash Of Clans Bot | AUTO Raid/Train...
open recruitment !! INDO BROTHERS-1 sub clan from top 3 clan Indo INDO BROTHERS ally with ICL Criteria : -Unisex gan :travel -Min 18thn, mindset uda hrs mature :matabelo -Loyal,Jago war, very active gan, karena kt sring push -Troops bukan abal2, combined heroes min 30 -All TH asal required trophie
poison number itu identiknya sama distribusi gan , kl d luar masuk bab hypothesis testing poisson distribution nya(yang materi make cambridge / setara A level), anak2 setara sma sono udah belajar gan , kl dsni kgk tau waktu kuliah diajarin apa kgk hahaha , berhub gua jg blom kuliah ehhe