\nBener banget BR biasa mengkritik pola pikir, termasuk pola pikir konsumerisme. contoh:\n\n"How Much Is Enough?"(album Suffer)\n\nTell me can the hateful chain be broken?\nProduction and consumption define our hollow lives.\nAvarice has led us 'cross th...
Gimanapun, budaya konsumerisme yang dipromosikan para corporate assholes penyelenggara warped tour adalah salah satu hal yang paling sering dikritik br dalam lagu2nya. \n\nJoe Queer of The Queers stated that\n "You play music because there’s something inside of you that say...
ada lagu yang judulnya "Sorrow",\nLove the band, love the song, but when he sings "how have I let you down", i can't help but think, "By going on that sweatshop-funding pile of shit Warped Tour!"