yg agan bayar nanti tinggal biaya silumannya DHL aja gan,tp kadang biaya silumannya bisa ngalah2in tax n dutynya barang.. klo ada biaya silumannya bisa komplain ga? trus itu biasanya ada perinciannya ga?
tanya dong... saya kan ada beli barang dr hongkong, nilainya $75. dikirim pake DHL ekspres, kata yg ngirim pajak dan biaya masuk dia smua yg bayar. kira2 klo barang sampai sini ane msh harus ada bayar lg ga? thanks
tanya dong gan...klo bikinin master program excel buat laporan keuangan itu biasanya dikasih brapa ya? thanks
tambahin gambar gan...biar lebih asik... mampir trit ane ya gan... GRATIS $5 Danny MacAskill orang-orang sukses yang mengidap schizophrenia Promosi dari AGEA
For long term analysis, USDCAD is in correction of uptrend from 0.9406, another rise to 1.1500 would likely be seen after correction.
The bloc currency is rallying against the greenback after the disappointing data in the US, as the CPI, industrial production and Univ. of Michigan CSI they have all come in below expectations. Risk-on trade has intensified after the midday in the European session, dragging the worlds reseve we...
(San Francisco) - The Swiss Franc managed to gain ground against its American counterpart Thursday as the FX market was decidedly risk on , with USD/CHF dipping 80-pips to fresh four-day lows below 0.9080 during the US session. Versus the common currency however, swissie remains under pressur...