yes maybe you dunno what ive been through, and i dont have any intention to dragging you with what ive been thorugh too but enuff with the drama this is sounds like an emo , maybe your point of view is good enough for you so go keep it enjoy your life , thanks for the offer anyway okay
mantap bener gan salut ama tipe orang kayak gini dimana ada permasalahan disitu ada kesempatan! good job :cool
suit yourself maybe you are the lucky one then but just dont push your luck for the unlucky one i don't know what you have been through... but, my life can considered as lucky or unlucky... once, i compared it to the others, sometime i wish i had life like theirs but, sometime they said th
Ane cuma nyampein unek2 aja gan. kalau ga setuju ya sudah. Intinya ane ngasih kritik sama si tuan rumah. Agar jd lebih bagus isi rumahnya. Sesederhana itu. :cool yah ente kaga ada yg kenal langsung masuk rumah orang aja terus kritik2 tanpa permisi makanya trit ente keliatan konyol pengalaman jadi s
biar sepadan mendingan ente bandingin juga manusia2 sini ama manusia2 di US sono gan :D orang2 kite kan konsumen bokep nomor satu di dunia :D
yaelah nubitol koar2 gak usah sotoy deh lu :cd: emang bikin trit niatnya pengen dapet ht doang? emang ngaruh ke idup lo?
perspective is not the truth its true only in the eye of the beholder may people seeking for the truth for a better, or even a perfect world but for me it's doesn't matter as long as i enjoy it i can live with that
in todays world the uncertainty is the most certain thing in life except death in the world of uncertainty, all just the matter of perspective
intinya : ada pergeseran nilai kasih sayang gan.. penyebabnya sekarang komplek bgt.. gan bakalan beres 8 sks kayannya.. :D mungkin ada benarnya tp gak 100% tepat gan dari dulu juga gitu kok, cuman gak keekspos aja kayak jaman sekarang yg media informasinya udah melaju pesat
ga yakin ada yang screenshoot gan kecuali yang punya hot thread nya :D nah itu dia gan ane kan ga tau sapa aja yg hot thread tanggal segitu kalo agan tau boleh kenalin sini ke ane ntar agan kena juga deh ijo-ijonya :cool