Bro medixt, gw minta tolong lagi ya:\ntitle: Magnetic navigation and voltage mapping guided implantation of a pacemaker atrial lead in a previously unpaceable patient\nauthor:N. Saoudi*, P. Ricard and K. Yaïci \n
Bro medixt, minta tolong lagi ya, full textnya artikel ini:\ntitle : Measurement by HPLC of midazolam and its major metabolite 1-hydroxymidazolam in plasma of very premature neonates\nAuthor :Toong Chow Lee *, Bruce Charles\nDepartment of Pharmacy, Steele Building, The University of Q...
Bos, makasih ya udah dibantuin, nyuwun tulung lagi ya nyari full text di \nMedline, ini detilnya: \n\nUnique Identifier :3345618.\nAuthors : Oldenhof H; de Jong M; Steenhoek A; Janknegt R.\nTitle : Clinical pharmacokinetics of midazolam in intensive care patients, a wide inter...
Bro, minta tolong dong, urgent banget ni:\ntittle : Determination of picogram levels of midazolam, and 1- and 4-hydroxymidazolam in human plasma by gas chromatography–negative chemical ionization–mass spectrometry\nauthor :C. B. Eap Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-...