@TheDorikin:\n\nBoss, ada contact beli LAT ukuran 10cm "by the bulk" ngga? Thanks yah kalo ada info nya.
@hanunxx: \nThanks man. Now you see why I wonder my wife doesn't like the fish! It's so big and nice now, compared when I first bought it. And now I have to sell it and get a super red arowana.... hiks hiks hiks\n\nBesides, the fahaka is settling so nicely to his home man......
@raiders,\n\nBukan Manja bos, kalo pake eheim, tinggal isi aquarium dengan air aqua aja... no need to kuras... hobby made easy. :-)
Hello Om, bro, teman2 dan adik2 sekian.\n \nMau sharing photo Fahaka saya. Saat ini udah 30cm, and still growing. Staying in a 1 metre aquarium with plants and java ferns and moss, filtration with Eheim Professional 2 (2028) attached to a 36-watt UV filter and using Denerle CO2 injection....