Makasih gan udah nyambut ane, tolong bimbing ane yah gan. Baru tau nih sama grup ini, kayaknya seru juga mereka... :shakehand2
Apaan mo ngerampok gw, makanya banyak beramal biar banyak rejeki, dan rajin2lah sakit biar dapet rembesan... #eh :D Apanya yg sombong, gw cuma PO Type A Limited Edition doank, klo gw borong tiga2nya baru gw sombong... :shutups
Kahi and Lee Joon recently recorded the SBS New Year Special Star Couple Battle. All attention was focused on their giddy and sexy couple dance. Both representatives of After School and MBLAQs couple dance was kept in tune. The twos first couple dance together attracted great interest ri...
After School and Son Dam Bi attracted attention with their shapely legs. On December 1 at their official fan club, Happy Pledis, several pictures titled Shooting site of Love Letter revealed! was uploaded. In the pictures, members of After School and Son Dam Bi showed off their shapely legs....
Ga ada maksud apa2 sih, itu jg ga sengaja nemu link fotonya, ga bwk2 amat sih... :shutups Itu adek ente yg ilang di Bandara dah ktemu sist, ini lg sama ane, lg ane ajarin bikin twitter :kiss
Punya twitter tp jarang ngetwit dia, ato mungkin udah ga diurus lagi tuh twitter ma dia :capedes Ehm, gw punya lo link Foto2 ASB diatas dengan size yg lebih gede #eh :shutups
Hahaha... Ga mungkin lah itu anak kecil namanya Hyelim, fotonya si Hyelim kan dah nyebar kemana2, gw malah udah follow twitternya juga kok... :cool: Denger news dr forum tetangga sist... :malus