:matabelo oh god I need more posts :D ok, I'll write later lah ya, because I am still working on a few translations. Catch you soon!
Cool English Now we are going to discuss size :) :iloveindonesia who loves big size? :D well usually because of our lack of vocabulary we describe something with the word big. We use the word big for everything, buildings, bridges, and even boobs (female's breast) :D when we need to explain ...
Dear Mr. Mayor of Pontianak, Would you be so kind to turn of the heater and replace it with a massive air conditioner please please please I beg you :maho ha ha ha ha
I told you Pontianak is hell hot :2thumbup but I love it, I love the high prices, the super careless motorbike rider, the awful traffic, the chai kue at d'bamboo ha ha well I love them all
nice blog, and nice photo :) Tu es jolie :ilovekaskus I am new in pontianak :) hohoho I came a couple months ago from Kediri, :travel east Java (2 hrs from Surabaya). I quit my job before I went here. This is my very first time to see west borneo :kimpoi suddenly I fall in love with this hell ho...
ehm since I definitely need more posts :matabelo I will do this often... but I'll try not to be a junker :matabelo COOL ENGLISH I think it's a silly title but yes it is silly uh like I care. Do we need cool things? Yes we definitely do! Hehehe, since Pontianak is very hot recently we d...
good morrow people! hello miss sci :) working on design is not boring I think... but it will be different if we get stuck :) ha ha ha :2thumbup ^^
hello, I'm new here, and I don't want to be a grammar police here :maho ha ha ha but since brother asenaja said that his clones had been sunat, I should correct it to 'sunated' since it is past perfect tense in passive voice, so sunat (supposed to be regular verb) becomes sun...