gan ada yg tau gak dmn bisa custom loafers kaya gini? ato brand yg uda ada buat loafers? makasi info nya agan"
keren bro! looks durable. solnya crepe gpp bro. nanti kan kalo udah abis resole aja tau beli sepatu baru hihi. thx bro :D oia ada rekomendasi utk reparasi boots gak? buat jaga" aja klo sole nya abis :D
hallo bro ane share sedikit boots ane ya, kemarin baru beli dari brand Guten inc. harganya lumayan terjangkau ni sekitaran 550 ribu, utk boots nya juga menurut ane cukup oke,sedikit kurang di sol nya aja but overall keren bro :thumbup. mohon komentar nya ya bro" sekalian. ini pict nya http:/...
Inspired by local heritage, Dogma Inc rework a contemporary slim straight chino with some main details such as authentic Bali woven and Japanese leather lace. Consisting of qualified materials and expert tailor. Diamond Eyes are one of the highlight of the Far Beyond Driven Spring Sum...
wwwaaaaaaaahhhh dtunggu ni bro nixxx,bleach,nevermind & in utero is the best la pokoknya,btw ada rencana bwt tribute utk band Seattle Sound lain nya gak om,kyk Pearl Jam mgkin ato screaming trees .. Pearl Jam juga baru ngerayain anniversary yg ke 20 loh...:beer:
more pics and details available at dogma inc Nom De Guerre is a small capsules of classic work shirt. In fact, this is our first line of using the finest twill/ linen materials. With a durable fabric and classic construction, the long sleeve button down shirt features a similiar cut with th...
Long Sleeve Desert Worker Shirt Slub Linen Fitur : Rounded Collar, Rounded Manset, Cigarette Pocket, kashin button, shrink to fit initial soak is a must Special Price for Local Customer is 525 include limited sack bag from lighthouse Short Sleeve basic oxford Blue Olive Oxford Linen Features ...
Goens brand lokal sini ada yang keluarin shirt bahan corduroy ga? kasih rekomendasi brandnya dong. Makasih ya.
Nama : Ziqrul Icksan Nama Panggilan : Abenk Email : Alamat : Btn Ajun Lam Hasan Banda Aceh Pekerjaan : Mahasiswa Salam kenal buat kaskuser aceh... teurimong geunaseh beuh.. :ilovekaskus
wahhh foo fighters, ane suka bgt ama monkey wrench n this is a call nya... tapi ane lebih suka nirvana... sayang nya om cobain uda gak ada..